Wataru Yoko



Name: Wataru Yoko
Birth: May 15, 1986
Height: 177cm
Blood group: A
Member color: Orange
Nick name: Yoko-san, Watta, Shi-sho(Meaning “Master”)


He is sure-footed person. And he can careful attention to everyone. In addition, he is very calm and mature. When Takashi Nikaidou set a Dokkiri (a hidden camera show) for him, He reprove Takashi in a logical manner. He read Thakashi a long lecture. They say he prattles on.
Personally, I think he is polite and modest. In magazine interview before, he said “I don’t mind even if I am at the extreme of group. But no building could stand without a sound foundation, couldn’t it? I might seem to be at the extreme of the group photograph. But the place is the center for my fan. Everywhere are center.” I was deeply impressed with those words.
Formerly he had a lot of trouble with his member, but he is now like a mother to his member. He clearly grasp each member’s schedule, so I hear. In addition, he always has big bag, because he will be preparing for various things to use for his member. His member have a regard for him as a reliable like that.



He on good terms with Taisuke Fujigaya. Generally, it is affectionately called “Wata-tai-combi”. Their good friendship makes their fan jealous. So am I! Look at this picture! As you see they are lovey-dovey at live show. Their fun shout in a shrill voice.
They have the same cloth, accessory, go so far as underwear!
Taisuke; “What is the most precious thing for you right now?”
Wataru; “Of course, Yo…”
OK, let’s get off that topic.

A special ability


Cooking; He is good at cooking. In other words, his cooking is professional. His cooking puts a professional chef to shame. He can make a Japanese-style meal, sweet, anything.
Tone deafness; They say that he is bad at singing. I didn’t think so. But When I heard he was singing “Tanakara-Botamochi” at Kis-My-Mint-tour, I thought so. For his tone deafness, he is called “Shi-shou”. It mean “Master”. However he skillfully turned the trouble to his advantage. He is also known as “BUSAIKU” these days. By the way I’m really looking forward to next Sunday, when they roll out the new their song, “Yatt-cha-ta!” He makes literally a real mess of things.

Best scene of music video

I think these scene is the best scene of Yoko-san!!


アイノビート dance ver.(Ai no beat)”: Putting up his forelock is a fresh impression.

My resistance タシカナモノ(My resistance tashikana-mono)”: This is the very scene!

And last, I think he is slim and has a nice figure, isn’t he?

▲In his youth from now